Journey into Cybersecurity
Put yourself in the shoes of a cybersecurity professional starting with when they were just a little kid and had no clue what cybersecurity even was. Meander with them along their journey and learn from their experience how to become a cybersecurity professional. Learn more about The Triangle Net's mission on
Journey into Cybersecurity
Adrianne George, tirelessly tackling the cyber talent gap
The Triangle Net - Cathy Olieslaeger
Season 2
Episode 8
Adrianne George has worked on critical national security issues since right after 9/11. Her motivation has always been clear: to win. Still today, the cyber war is being waged and the end is nowhere in sight. Adrianne is working tirelessly to fix this by addressing the cyber talent gap, and more importantly the cyber talent management process. She's identified a niche and plans to fill it leveraging her unique insights, experience and connections. Let's support her on this Journey into Cybersecurity so we all can be successful and win the battle together.